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Cairn.info offers the most comprehensive online collection of French-language academic publications in humanities and social sciences from more than 130 publishing houses such as the Presses Universitaires de France, Armand Colin, Lavoisier, Gallimard, Le Seuil, La Documentation française, and many others Around 500 journals and 10,000 eBooks are available on www.cairn.info covering a wide array of disciplines such as literature, linguistics, philosophy, history, sociology, economics, political science, education, psychology and geography. The online web portal provides mainly content in French, but it also includes an English-language international interface to facilitate use by non-francophones, where some of the articles have full text English translations
The Trial will run for two months till 31 May 2019.
To access the trial please go to the following URL: www.cairn.info

1500 sources on gender and women's issues in over 190 countries. ( All ECA Offices )