11 - 15 of 102 total of E-resources lists

Full-text access to African Studies Review (ASR) - the flagship scholarly journal of the African Studies Association (ASA). The ASR publishes the highest quality African studies scholarship in all academic disciplines. The ASR’s rigorous interdisciplinary peer review seeks to contribute to the development of scholarly conversations of interest to the diverse audience of the Association’s membership and to the growth of African studies in North America, on the African continent, and in a global comparative context. (All ECA Offices )

Multilingual, substructure and controlled thesaurus designed to cover the terminology of all subject fields in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food and related domains (e.g. environment). (Free Online)

All continental news on political, socio-economic dynamics and other related news, (All ECA Offices).

All 7 Journals. ( Addis Only )

Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI) Facilitated by IFPRI, ASTI compiles, analyzes, and publicizes data on institutional developments, investments, and capacity trends in agricultural R&D in low- and middle-income countries worldwide. ( Free Online )
