To ensure that the ECA is able to effectively support the current dynamic growth and transformation of its member states, it has undergone an organizational re-profiling process, introducing strategic adjustments to enable it to achieve the goal of becoming “the premier think tank in Africa”.

Among the critical elements of this re-profiling is the new Public Information and Knowledge Management Division (PIKMD), which brings together four previously separate functions involved in promoting the visibility and impact of the products and services offered by ECA. The Knowledge and Library Services Section (KLSS) falls under the new PIKMD division and is mandated to provide innovative knowledge solutions which act as a “one-stop-shop” access point for African knowledge products and as coordinator for knowledge facilitation services connecting African Professional Communities, Regional Economic Communities, development partners, and policy makers in member states. The Section, therefore, in its mandate as ECA’s knowledge and innovation hub focuses on:

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This unit focuses on providing knowledge engineering advisory services as well as designing and developing innovative knowledge solutions and systems to ensure ECA is able to incorporate its knowledge into its business processes to achieve its strategic and operational goals. The unit leads in defining the knowledge architecture of the organization, and develop innovative products and solutions to realize ECA’s knowledge strategy via strategically placed business process re-engineering efforts as well as systems development projects. The unit also carries out capacity building activities for ECA and its partners as required with the aim of supporting continual learning related to innovative knowledge engineering.

Cu nec quot duis assum. Duis mentitum insolens pri ne, nec id hinc veniam animal. Elit moderatius eloquentiam mel ut, vel ut solet cetero ullamcorper, ea sed minim fierent volutpat. Porro laudem ne cum. Vel in definitiones reprehendunt, eu duo postea viderer, vel ne mutat instructior conclusionemque. In essent alienum est, ea illud animal dissentiet pri.

Dans un contexte professionnel, il arrive souvent que les clients privés ou d'entreprise confèrent une publication et que le contenu actuel ne soit pas encore prêt. Pensez à un blog de nouvelles qui est rempli de contenu tous les heures le jour de la vie. Cependant, les examinateurs ont tendance à être distraits par un contenu compréhensible, par exemple, un texte aléatoire copié d'un journal ou d'un internet. Ils sont susceptibles de se concentrer sur le texte, en négligeant la mise en page et ses éléments. En outre, le texte aléatoire risque d'être intentionnellement humoristique ou offensant, un risque inacceptable dans les environnements corporatifs. Lorem ipsum et ses nombreuses variantes ont été employés depuis le début des années 1960, et très probablement depuis le seizième siècle.

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The Knowledge Facilitation and Collaboration Unit supports and coordinates ECA convened thematic communities of practices, the AVLIN network of librarians, and the internal ECA network proposed for the Communications Strategy. It responds to clients requesting knowledge networking or knowledge sharing services and provides advice on knowledge networking strategies, practices and tools.

J'ai fermé la porte et j'ai mis la clé de magasin dans sa place habituelle derrière les Principes avancés de géométrie de Bailey. Pauvre Bailey. Personne n'a voulu son gros livre gris depuis trente ans. Parfois, je me demande ce qu'il fait de son rôle en tant que gardien des clés de la librairie. Je ne pense pas que ce soit le destin qu'il avait à l'esprit pour le travail principal qu'il a passé deux décennies à écrire.

Une lettre. Pour moi. C'était quelque chose d'un événement. L'enveloppe croustillante, gonflée avec son contenu plié de façon épaisse, a été adressée dans une main qui doit avoir donné au facteur une certaine quantité de problèmes. Bien que le style de l'écriture soit à l'ancienne, avec ses chapiteaux fortement ornés et ses émotions bouclées, ma première impression était qu'il avait été écrit par un enfant. Les lettres semblaient inexistantes. Leurs traits inégaux ne se sont évanouis dans rien ou ont été lourdement gravé dans le papier. Il n'y avait pas de sens dans les lettres qui énonçaient mon nom. Chacun a été entrepris séparément - M A R G A R E T L E A - en tant qu'entreprise nouvelle et intimidante. Mais je ne connaissais aucun enfant. C'est à ce moment-là que je pensais, c'est la main d'un invalide.

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The Research Support Unit responds to client’s research needs and covers the technical and client functions of the Library services. Its activities encompass the content development of the digital and physical library repositories of knowledge generated in-house and acquisitions from other institutions to support the research needs of the targeted users. The technical services work in the back-end to ensure that knowledge holdings are properly managed, preserved and made accessible while the client services acts as the front-end to dissemination of the knowledge.

Specifically, the unit is responsible for
• Formulating policies, procedures, objectives and guidelines for content development and maintenance of ECA’s digital and physical knowledge collections and delivery of knowledge-based reference services
• Cataloguing and organizing material for bookshelves and display
• Organizes Reference Services for requesting professionals and other requests for research assistance.
• Providing comprehensive knowledge guides through library liaison services and development of thematic Libguides to Divisions, SROs and IDEP staff in support of their research needs
• Hosting book talks, report launches, and thematic exhibitions
• Marketing the knowledge resources to create awareness of the knowledge holdings
• Managing the physical library services as research commons, including circulations, acquisitions, public internet access facilities, lecture halls, and exhibition spaces;
• Keeping content current on ECA’s KLSS website pages

The units has been serving its clients using a comprehensive collection of knowledge accessible through its online catalogue @ These include general collection of over 200,000 titles, E-resources from 139 online databases, OCLC spotlight programme - 74,000 libraries, ECA knowledge products over 34,000 titles, extended wealth of knowledge through our linkage to various UN catalogues.

KLSS has been helping its clients to tap into a huge pool of continental knowledge through its Access to Socioeconomic and scientific knowledge on/in Africa (ASKIA) http:/ ASKIA is a truly multilingual federated platform (accessible in 5 languages En, Fr, Ar, Sp, and Pt). It probes connected information resources on the Internet, African sources through the AVLIN network and present them in a single window. ASKIA pulls several kinds of resources including maps, directors, the web, scientific databases, journals, news, knowledge networks related to the searched term.

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