Engage KMSS to assist with:
  • Provide latest research and data in areas of interest to your areas of focus
  • Collaborate with you to develop a tailored collection in your area of interest
  • Promote new publications/research from your division - hosting book talks, staff discussions, distribution, Libguides, repacking the message etc.
  • Capture, manage and share all types of knowledge products from your work;
  • Develop knowledge sharing platforms to engage/consult/collaborate with your peers and partners;
  • Manage administrative records for your org. unit including assistance with developing filing plans, retention schedules, tools, etc.
  • Facilitate knowledge networking sessions with external development partners and member states
  • And any other Knowledge Management needs you and/or your division may require


Research Support Services

The Research Support Unit responds to client’s research needs and covers the technical and client functions of the Library services, as well as the ECA Knowledge Repository. Its activities encompass the content development of the digital and physical library repositories of knowledge generated in-house and acquisitions from other institutions to support the research needs of the targeted users. The technical services work in the back-end to ensure that knowledge holdings are properly managed, preserved and made accessible while the client services acts as the front-end to dissemination of the knowledge. The ECA Knowledge Repository preserves its flagship publications; conference proceedings; technical publications, Journals; speeches and press releases; other grey literature; and multimedia (videos, audio, photos) products. Specifically, the unit is responsible for:

  • Formulating policies, procedures, objectives and guidelines for content development and maintenance of ECA’s digital and physical knowledge collections and delivery of knowledge-based reference services
  • Cataloguing and organizing material for bookshelves and display
  • Organizes Reference Services for requesting professionals and other requests for research assistance.
  • Providing comprehensive knowledge guides through library liaison services and development of thematic Libguides to Divisions, SROs and IDEP staff in support of their research needs
  • Hosting book talks, report launches, and thematic exhibitions
  • Marketing the knowledge resources to create awareness of the knowledge holdings
  • Managing the physical library services as research commons, including circulations, acquisitions, public internet access facilities, lecture halls, and exhibition spaces;
  • Keeping content current on ECA’s KLSS website pages
  • Maintaining the ECA Knowledge Repository (http://repository.uneca.org), which houses ECA’s publications produced during the close to 60 years of ECA’s existence in support of its member States.